Grin And Bear It


Grin and bear it. That moment when you're sitting in a cabbie with a banging headache. All you long for is a quiet ride back to your flat where you can drink a tall glass of iced water and lay down in an unlit room until the construction workers in your head decide to call it a day. In that instant, the driver sees no better time to  give a narrative about his day's ups and downs. You figure he must really need to get this off his chest as he's going at 100 words per second, so you humour him by nodding your head; but not too hard for fear of sending all the blood to the forefront and giving power to those construction workers.  

Every so often, when you are able to remember where your voicebox is or when he pauses for air, you interject with the occasional "oh that's terrible", "uh-hunh" and "so sorry to hear that". All the while  you wish he would step on the gas just a tiny little bit harder because he is driving much slower than his mouth is moving, he is taking the longer route, the meter is running on double time, and  oh boy, he did not just slow down on a green light we both know wasn't going to turn red for a good 10 seconds. But you sit there grinning and bearing it because you've watched too many episodes of criminal minds and  you don't want to further upset an already distressed man in charge of your safety. So you play it cool and laugh extra hard at his jokes, nod even harder (thumping head be damned), and increase the amount of "uh-hunhs". Some may blame it on the freeze out there, but I say I laughed and grinned so hard I still cannot feel my face.

Hope your weekend is going well. Any grin and bear it incidents? I could do use a good chuckle as I'm going to be holed up revising all day. 

Lots of love,

Follow Style Bouquet

35 Contributions:

Little Nell said...

Your coat and shoes are lovely. We've all had to do the sympathetic nod before, particularly bad when trapped in an enclosed space!

Penny x

Emily, Ruby Slipper Journeys said...

You look a AWESOME! This week hasn't been too grin and bear it, but I've definitely been there. ; )

Georgia said...

Hmmm that sounds horrible. On the brighter side, you have awesome shoes
It would be mine
+ I just grin and bear 200+ posts on bloglovin'... Nightmare

Kat said...

lovely outfit!

Sylvia said...

i love your head wrap! so cute.

my boss is recently pregnant and often times she tells me about her pregnancy woes. It's no fun, so I definitely just grin and bear it, nod along and tell her the babies will come soon enough! haha

i wander, i wonder

Fashion Me Chic said...

Love your outfit. I need to learn how to wrap my head like you.

Jason Laucht said...

aahhh u look so sweet!! :D

Noelani said...

That stinks! I usually find myself grinning and bearing in cabs, mainly because I get motion sickness. So I literally feel your pain. Hope the weekend got better for you, and at least you rocked a chic look!

Jenni said...

Hahaha--oh God, I feel your pain! We've all fallen prey to chatty Cathy's.

On the bright side, you look amazing... You can really rock a turban, and your coat is amazing. Also, here is a link to a picture of Bing Crosby ice cream:

Emma at Daily Clothes Fix said...

I love your coat and shoes. Hope you're feeling better now.

Ginta said...

Ha, ha, ha! Sorry! :) It sounds you had a perfect weekend! :))
Mine wasn't so exiting. Only funny thing was - I woke up in a parking lot - my godson had turned my bad into a parking lot for his toy cars :)
Two things - I love your coat! It's perfect! And I love your turban!

Unknown said...

that coat is chic, lovely photos

Ria said...

We've all had a moment like that in a cab.
I had a moment like that coming home from a night out with a friend, she was a little worse for wear anyway so was trying to look after her. The cabbie decided to chat about his day for the 15 minute journey while I was trying to keep her from throwing up, no sense of tact AT ALL! lol

I love your turban btw, perfect splash of colour for the outfit!

Shanna Maren said...

I'm sorry to hear about your taxi-drive with headdache. And yes, I know what you mean with the Criminal Minds :P

You look great!

classiq said...

What a perfectly fitted coat! Beautiful!

Marella said...

You look amazing dear!!

Thanks for your sweet comment! <3

Unknown said...


Thanks for your comment! :)
I love our blog, your style is awesome. I always find it amazing when girls like you can wear their hair all up and hidden under a hat and still look pretty.

I'm definitely following your blog!

Jenmarie said...

Your coat!! I love it!


love how you paired the colors!

Anonymous said...

Rock it girl!!! LOVE that outfit, esp. the turban!


Jade Purple Brown said...

love the denim button down, and bright red turban! You always kill it!

Samantha said...

Looking chic!

Thanks for visiting my blog, it means a lot! :o)


Mamacita said...

Such a lovely and creative outfit!!

BenchesnChandeliers said...

i get headaches all the time and "construction workers in your head" is the perfect way to describe it!

Dewliciouz said...

love ur style too much :)
hi sweet, this is an award for u..
check pls,

Ramona said...

wow! babe You look so hut an that pop of colour is just perfect!

xoxo Ra

Wall of Fashion said...

Looks really! I like your outfit being casual, but so stylish and well combined!

xx Marije

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shoes and I love the colour of your turban! Hmm grin and bear it incident? Was in a NY taxi that got a bit lost and I couldn't redirect him of course, but of a round trip when I just wanted to be at home... not quite as bad as yours though!

Fleur Rebelle said...

you are such a beauty and this turban looks so great on you :)


Monique said...

Hope things are on the up and up. I love your bold colored turban and your coat is gorgeous. Good luck with revisions.

Lisa said...

loving your style!

Maycie After Five said...

Hahaha. Great writing. Love your blog. I needed a blog like yours.

BlackPearl said...

Your coat is lovely!

Bella's Style said...

great outfit! perfect combination!! :)

Ria said...

Booooooooooo I hate talkers when you're just not in the mood. People should have more sense. In other news I absolutely love your outfit from head to toe. The coat is flawless, love the mixed blues and the TURBAN!!! Aaahhh gimmie that turban haha.

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