Ode To 2010


image: personal (las vegas)

Dear 2010, I salute you. 

You've been one heck of a roller coaster ride. Everyone knows how dubious I am of those, so I don't fully understand why you chose to present yourself in that form. Not that I hate roller coasters per se, but they just take a little getting used to is all. Like an acquired taste for say coffee or avocados...both of which I'd much rather stay away from given the choice. I have realized however, that a cup of coffee is indeed what you need to kick you awake during those awful all night study sessions. So instead of tucking my tail between my legs and hiding off, I hopped right on the ride with only one goal in mind: scream my head off every step of the way. Whether it would be out of fear or glee remained unknown to  me. 

2010, I salute you. 

You sent some amazing people my way and made friends of them, while driving others into complete oblivion. You gave me better clarity into things I loved doing and those I didn't much care about, but that left me a tad confused about this little thing called a career path. Through you, I got lost in foreign countries and saw sights I never thought I'd see, while being able to tick a few points off my "places I would love to visit" list. You stirred me to thrive and challenge myself beyond my limit but without pushing me to a breaking point. Not the least of all, you urged me to start this here blog. I hope you will excuse me while I give a note of thanks to those readers and visitors who keep on stopping by and contributing- you all rock my (not so) little socks off.

You see 2010, you've been a blessing. 

You slapped me across the face with overwhelming love and compassion using family, friends, and complete strangers alike. Kudos to you. I might swallow my words later, but I think I've developed quite a liking for roller coasters.  Here's the thing. You've left me with more questions than ever before that need goals linked to them in order to get answered. At the same time, I'm not one to make resolutions because I'm not confined in time and space. I met you with no expectations and with the same lack of expectations, I leave to welcome your slightly older sibling 2011. I do have a vow though, to live in the present, worry not about the future, and let bygones be bygones. It's been wonderful passing through you.

Wishing you all a blessed and most prosperous new year filled with all sorts of awesome! See you around the bend ;)

Gros Bisous,

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18 Contributions:

Shanna Maren said...

Nicely spoken!

Happy new year!

My Own Strange Little World said...

Brilliant!! Happy 2011!!!


Anonymous said...

Brilliantly composed. Happy new year!


I love this post! Hope you have a good new year!

Unknown said...

this is amazing, hope you have a fabulous new year


Emily, Ruby Slipper Journeys said...

Hear hear! I love your journey Abi, keep it up!

Michaela said...

Lovely words! Happy new year!

...Iww... said...

Happy New Year!! ;****

Ria said...

Best new year's post I've seen so far. They've all bugged me lol. I've been to busy to bother writing one. Now I definitely can't follow yours haha.

Barbara von Enger said...

Very well crafted, your words. Here's wishing you laghter, love and light for 2011 and thereafter.

Ginta said...

Happy New Year!
You described your last year so beautifully! :)

Beth said...

Well said!

Happy New Year's!

Megan said...

Well put Abi. Happy New Year!

E said...

Very well-written and poignant. That image is very striking, as well.

Samantha said...

Lovely post :o)



C. said...

So well said. May we all move on to older sibling 2011 with such grace. :)


Rachel Core said...

What a beautiful way to welcome the new year. You are such an eloquent writer!

Ashley said...

This so cute... :)

2010 was not really a roller coaster for me, but I believe 2011 will be more of a ride...sometimes you just get a feeling!

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